The New Shaharit Fellows Program Opens

The intellectual framework for a politics of the common good begins here at Shaharit!

At the end of January, the new cohort of ten Shaharit fellows began to meet. Our fellowship program seeks to create the infrastructure and set of ideas in order to promote a public conversation on the common good.

Chosen from more than 80 applicants, our ten new fellows bring a rich range of professional and personal backgrounds to the program; among the fellows, women and men, leftists, centrists, and right-wingers, Jews and Arabs, Mizrahim and Ashkenazim, Secularists, the National Religious, and the Ultra-Orthodox are all represented. We believe that only by bringing these diverse and often rival voices together in a meaningful, authentic way, can a common good ideology be created that truly represents the diversity, differences, and distinctions embedded in Israeli society. By doing this, we can create a new public sphere, one that asks no one to leave their identity and traditions at home.